Sandi is blogging from the WhistleStop Cafe kitchen. It's all about good home cooking; food, family and fun. Thousands of posts . . .

~In the south and around the world.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Happy Mothering Day

I have just gotten home from my fabulous week in London and Malta. I have a suitcase to unpack, loads of laundry to, cleaning out the stinky fridge and grocery shopping  . . .
But, what am I doing instead?
Lingering over a cup of coffee and hundreds of photos.

I love rainy London, and the friendly British with their beautiful accents.
( can you tell I am speaking with my British accent now? )

Happy Mothering Day ~
To all my mums, and the women who have mothered me all my life.

Thank you for letting me follow you around like a baby duck

More posts to come!
. . . but first that 'bloody' laundry is calling.
Y'all come back~

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